
Terri Long – Telling lost stories with found objects.

Category: Book Art

Lost and Found opens Friday 9/18/15


Nothing like the last minute, eh? Finally ready to show a sampling of cropped preview images of recent work. The show is hung and opens this Friday, got my dress picked out and I’m psyched for this happening!












From our Facebook announcement:

Please join us as we celebrate the opening of our two woman exhibit in the V. Earl Dickinson Building, PVCC, Charlottesville, VA on Friday 9/18/15 from 5-7pm.

The show will feature the artwork and various conceptual takes on the idea of “Lost and Found” as explored by Terri Long and Deborah Rose Guterbock. Up-cycling, appropriation, soul searching and geographic adventuring are all relevant themes in these two bodies of work. 

Come support us, help yourself to yummy refreshments and take part in the merriment! Show runs September 18th – November 4th, come on by!

Books are magical


Rose Guterbock & A.I.Miller are the artists behind CvilleArtBlog, a great new resource covering the artistic array of Charlottesville. I met them both at the opening reception for Ex Ex Libris and shortly after, they shared this review.

Long has captured the essence of Terry Pratchett’s L-Space Theory and uses it to remind us of the importance of books. By weaving a tapestry with their covers, she shows how they can warp space and time to remind us of who we are and what makes up our history.

The show hangs for another week. The Bridge is officially open Monday-Wednesday 12-6pm, Saturday 10am – 3pm, but is hosting events nearly every night this week, many as part of The VA Festival of the Book, 3-20 to 3-24, 2013. Tonight there’s storytelling with the Big Blue Door Jam and tomorrow a wild poetry slam and dance party at the Emily Dickinson Afterparty.


I will be hanging out gallery sitting this Saturday 3/23 from 10-3. Pop on by!

Catching up with Cville Niche


Kind words from the fine folks at Cville Niche who highlight all things interesting, creative, musical and delicious in Charlottesville. I very much enjoyed this Q & A about books and the opportunity to crow about the upcoming VA Festival of the Book to boot.

They allowed me to wax about my scavenging, collecting and collaging; plug favorite book stores, books and authors, too.

Speaking of authors, I greatly admire them, the whole lot. But I have never written a book, yet flattered no less, when I came across this “edited” version of the flyer at the McIntire Recyling Book Bin.

What’s in a word… Author, Artist?! The text describes art from books but I didn’t have the heart to edit their edit.

Ex Ex Libris is open




The Ex Ex Libris show has officially opened. Barry was there to document it all. Including our friend’s baby checking out my old Peanuts comic paperback.

Barry is biased.

As a doting husband, who is also a photographer, blogger and boat builder, he is fond of my work. This pleases me. He is honest and tells me when he doesn’t like a piece I’m working on, doesn’t care for my outfit or shoes, or wants me to let him sleep in/work uninterrupted/drive without commentary. I respect this. I really respect his blogging. He evens make money from his youtube channel.

He posted this photo gallery of the opening reception of Ex Ex Libris at The Bridge. Fun photos, short vid, check it out:


Drop by The Bridge to see the exhibit in person **Updated hours** Mon, Tues, Wed, 12-6pm, or Saturday 10am-3pm throughout March.

Hanging out

We hung the show late last night. The weather never cooperated, steady cold rain all day and night. None of us wanted to load and unload cars, but eventually we capitulated and met at 7:30pm to install the show at The Bridge.

This is a two person show and I share the walls with Joanna Mullen. She brought two of her Art Box framing crew friends along. Delightful ladies who had the wherewithall to fetch bagels from Bodo’s to help us keep our wits.

Opening reception is Friday 3/1 from 6 to 8pm, catching the early and late First Friday gallery crawlers, and is generally a great scene. Now for the sartorial concern, what am I going to wear?

Pinched reflection in the plate glass window of The Bridge.

Pinched reflection in the plate glass window of The Bridge.

Joanna, Amanda and Lana are framing queens. Much jocularity and banter kept me thoroughly entertained.

Joanna, Amanda and Lana are framing queens. Much jocularity and banter kept me thoroughly entertained.

Who doesn't like a good perspective shot.

Who doesn’t like a good perspective shot.


Remember the bookbags you carried back in elementary school? If you were lucky, Mom took you back-to-school shopping for slacks, shoes and a new bookbag to hold all those textbooks. I can’t remember what my last bag looked like. But when I started playing around with discarded textbooks, I knew what my next bookbag could look like.

Long before I bought shoulder bags made from a Guatemalan coffee sack and knitted plastic grocery bags, and way before upcycling or DIY were terms I’d actually heard of, I started making book purses.

Happy to report there are several, new-to-me book purses in production. Here are a few from the archives.


Adventures for Readers Book 1 bag, 2006.
Khaki web belt for the straps, liner is an old pair of cargo parachute pants, toggles included.


Oui je parle Francais! book bag, 2006
Cotton linen dress for liner, ribbon and button closure, cotton belt for handles.


Reader’s Digest Condensed Book purse, 2010
Sassy blue jeans liner, Dad’s casual friday belt for handles, lone star rivets.




Pie’s kitchen, Christmas 2012. Photo by Barry Long.
Top, To Kill a Mockingbird book bag with dust jacket, 2010. Belt and liner from vintage secretary’s skirt.
Adventures for Readers Book 1 bag, 2006, bottom.


Hanging out in the McIntire Book Bin, photo by John Robinson, Summer 2011, http://www.robinsonimagery.com/. Improving Your Health book bag, leather handles.


Terri and Karen, Charlottesville City Market, Summer 2007.
Green book bag with green belt handles.